Why Does MEV Exist? A Dive Into Blockchain's Economic Dilemma. #shorts #quainetwork #blockchain

“🔍 Why does MEV (Maximal Extractable Value) exist, and what does it reveal about blockchain’s core economic challenges? In this eye-opening short, we delve into the intricate ‘Intrablock’ and ‘Interblock’ markets, uncovering how transaction fees and block weights fuel a competitive battleground within the blockchain. This dual-market system not only pits miners against each other but also highlights a critical flaw in blockchain’s economic design: conflicting incentives.

Discover how these incentives lead to uncooperative behavior among miners and block producers, ultimately undermining the blockchain’s efficiency and fairness. MEV isn’t just a technical term; it’s a clarion call for innovative solutions that can harmonize economic incentives and pave the way for a more cooperative and efficient blockchain ecosystem.

Join Dr. K, the cofounder of Quai Network as he explores the depths of MEV and the urgent need for a systemic overhaul to realign blockchain’s economic incentives. 💡


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Quai Network is a dynamic set of blockchains that are infinitely scalable with increasing demand. The use of a unique multi-chain architecture propels Quai Network into the future and establishes Quai Network as the fastest AND most secure blockchain on the planet.

Quai Network is the only decentralized blockchain that scales to global commerce. Through a novel combination of merged mining and sharding known as Proof-of-Work 2.0, Quai secures a highly decentralized and low-cost Layer 1 network.

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