which nodes holds the current state of the blockchain and can therefore validate new transactions?

🎯which nodes holds the current state of the blockchain and can therefore validate new transactions

🌐 OverWallet Quiz 23 Oct

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Over Network
Airdrop confirmed

🔸 Newcomer Over Network with new ideas and 8 million dollar investment, which is now in the testing and user acquisition stage.

🔅 This is a Korean project and several important Korean VCs are sponsoring Over. Considering that after the fall of Luna, the South Korean government has strict supervision over crypto projects. And once again make South Korea a good name in the crypto space

♻️ The Over team has announced that it is going to launch its own mainnet in February 2024 (that is, February), in addition, the Over team confirmed that it plans to give tokens to testnet users at the time of the airdrop, according to the amount of points they collect in a 1:1 ratio. to distribute