What's Hackable on the Blockchain? With Mass AdopSean!

Sean Anderson, Head of Growth at GoodBlock.io, breaks down whether or not a blockchain can be hacked! (Spoiler – it can’t. But people can be hacked!)

Got a question for Sean? Reach out at:
📧 sean@goodblock.io
📧 seanxa@lookoutfox.com
🐦 https://twitter.com/MassAdopSean

Let us know what blockchain basics you’d like covered next time in the comments below!

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GoodBlock Technologies is an app developer and Block Producer candidate on the Telos Blockchain Network, with a focus on 2 of the pillars of Web3.0; Governance (decidevoter.app) and Decentralized Cloud Storage (dstor.cloud). Vote for goodblocktls, and learn more at goodblock.io.

Telos is a cost-effective, energy efficient, fast, and scalable DPoS blockchain that has been operational for over 2 years. The Telos blockchain has leading on-chain governance (Telos Decide), and is built and developed by a core development team using the EOSIO codebase.

GoodBlock Resources and Social Media:
Website: https://goodblock.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GoodBlockio
Medium: https://medium.com/goodblock-io
Telegram: https://t.me/goodblocktls