What is Metaverse in Blockchain || Expained in simple words || Brief intro to the Metaverse!!

What is Metaverse in Blockchain?
In this video, I will explain what is Metaverse in Blockchain in simple words.

Metaverse is a decentralised platform based on blockchain technology. It is an open-source project that enables anyone to create their own digital assets and use them to create a world that is decentralised, secure and connected. Metaverse is built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain and enables users to create, transfer and manage digital assets.
Metaverse is also home to the world’s first decentralised exchange, called the Metaverse Exchange. The Metaverse Exchange is a peer-to-peer exchange that enables users to trade digital assets without the need for a centralised third party.
Metaverse is also home to the world’s first decentralised identity system, called the Metaverse Identity System. The Metaverse Identity System is a system that enables users to create and manage their digital identities in a secure and decentralised way.
Metaverse is also home to the world’s first decentralised social network, called the Metaverse Social Network.
The Metaverse Social Network is a platform that enables users to connect with each other and share their thoughts and ideas in a decentralised way.


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