What Is KOII Network ? | How To Earn Passive Income ? |Web3 Blockchain Crypto #web3 #blockchain

Koii Network Link :- https://www.koii.network/node

Koii Network offers several ways to earn passive income, catering to different interests and technical skills. Here’s a breakdown of the main options:

1. Running a Koii Node:

This is the most straightforward method. You contribute your computer’s resources (CPU, RAM, storage) to the network by running a Koii node.

In return, you earn $KOII tokens, the network’s native currency, for providing computing power and supporting the network’s infrastructure.

It’s relatively passive, requiring minimal setup and maintenance. You can even run it for free, though staking some $KOII for a “staking key” can increase your rewards.

2. Attention Mining:

This involves creating or contributing to applications and content within the Koii ecosystem.

Users who engage with your apps or content (e.g., using an app, reading your blog) generate “attention” tokens.

You earn a share of these tokens based on your contribution and the overall engagement with your work.

This requires more active participation but can be potentially lucrative if you create valuable and engaging content or apps.

3. Community Cloud and Resource Sharing:


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If you have excess computing resources (like storage space or processing power), you can rent them out to other users through the Koii community cloud.

This allows you to monetize your unused resources while benefiting others in the network.

4. Staking and Airdrops:

Holding $KOII tokens allows you to participate in staking, where you lock your tokens for a specific period to earn rewards.

Additionally, Koii occasionally distributes airdrops (free token allocations) to token holders, further boosting your passive income.

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