WAX Blockchain Governance Elections Intro | Blockchain Governance Models

Every Blockchain, protocol or token has its own Blockchain Governance Model. The WAX Governance model allows the token holder to have a voice and vote that counts. To cast a vote for an Inspector General you must stake some WAX and then use the WAX Cloud Wallet or Anchor to login in and vote here:


The next three videos we will be interviewing the 3 Inspector General Candidates. Do your own research, reach out, ask questions and then, cast your vote TODAY or by January 24th, 2021 23:59:59 UTC.


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If this type of content is something you would like more of, leave a comment below and let us know what you would like to learn more about. We hope you enjoy our interviews and give them a thumbs up showing your support of our WAX Governance. Blockchain Governance Models are the future of world and local governance. Please get involved and be excited because you all are pioneers of blockchain technology and our future.