Strong Nodes, Passive Income with Crypto Blockchain And How To Set Up StrongBlock

StrongBlock Nodes; I randomly came across a video about this Strong Node Technology about a month ago from a YouTuber named @Jesse Eckel. Turns out we’re both on a quest to ruthlessly reinvest basically all of our money in a feedback loop of fairly risky ideas in an attempt to escape a life of living to work.. He seems like a cool guy

Strong Nodes provide network bandwidth for the blockchain consensus.
#strong #node #passiveincome

Anyway, Jesse Eckel turned my gaze towards Strong Token – and its function to create and own Strong Nodes as a somewhat rabid form of passive income.


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I will admit, I should DEFINITELY have a clearer understanding of exactly what a thing is before putting in as much money as I did into it, all at once… I found myself in something of a fever dream, my eyes gone black like a shark – sending a picture of myself holding my drivers license to literally I dont know who to make a trust wallet, I DONT KNOW WHAT A TRUST WALLET IS!? I think I might have given out my social security number during this process…

Because of that- I want to be very clear about the following: I am not implying that you, internet person, should drain your account and jump into strong nodes – they cost a lot. I am irresponsible… I also have a very large safety net, and a possibly sociopathic level of indifference to debt; so if you do, too – let me tell you a bit about Strong Nodes and Ill show you how to set one up!