Your Success in any network marketing business especially Super Sage is partly dependent on your team. If you do not already belong to any team please feel free to join
1.Click Here for installations instructions for Android and iPhone.
Click Here for installation instructions for PC using Google Chrome.
2. Create a new wallet, write down your 12-word seed and keep it safe.
3. Fund wallet with a minimum of 510trx. You can fund more if you want to open many levels
4. Copy and paste this link:
5. Click on the browser in your TRON wallet app and paste on the search space
6. Click on Register
7. Click On “Yes, Proceed” if you are sure the displayed ID is your upline’s ID:40017
8. Click on confirm.
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InterviewIt will process and open your office showing your new ID.
Welcome to Supersage TRON ROOM
#Trontrxcoin# Supersage# Tronwallet# Forsage# Forsaj# Smartcontract# MLM# Matrix#