Mint Web3 Tokens on Theta Blockchain Without Coding

Visit to mint your own Web3 tokens on Theta blockchain without programming.

People in the media and entertainment industry seldom have developers at their disposal, let alone blockchain developers. These Web3 coders are also expensive to hire. Meanwhile, Ethereum gas price is still high while lazy minting technically isn’t minting at all and is not decentralized.


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Introducing ThetaMinter, the multi-purpose Web3 platform that empowers anyone to mint tokens on Theta blockchain with zero programming. You can mint TNT-20 fungible tokens, ERC721 NFT tokens. And even soulbound tokens! All without writing a single line of code! Plus, you don’t even need to sign-up to use it. There’s no additional fee, except for the gas fee. But with a low-gas EVM chain like Theta, this is not a problem.