Klaytn: The Metaverse Blockchain for All | Junghyun Colin Kim at SmartCon 2022

Klaytn is a blockchain designed for the metaverse. In this SmartCon 2022 presentation, learn how Klaytn is working to create a low-latency network with accompanying tools and infrastructure to support a thriving metaverse ecosystem.

Junghyun Colin Kim, Lead of Klaytn Core Dev Team, Klaytn Foundation

Chainlink is the industry-standard Web3 services platform and has enabled trillions of dollars in transaction volume across DeFi, insurance, gaming, NFTs, and other major industries. As the leading decentralized oracle network, Chainlink enables developers to build feature-rich Web3 applications with seamless access to real-world data and off-chain computation across any blockchain and provides global enterprises with a universal gateway to all blockchains.

Learn more about Chainlink by visiting chain.link or reading the developer documentation at docs.chain.link. To discuss an integration, reach out to an expert.


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Learn more about Chainlink:

Website: https://chain.link
Docs: https://docs.chain.link
Twitter: https://twitter.com/chainlink
