Kadena Gas Stations // How did Kadena Solve The Blockchain Trilemma // Part 1

Kadena Gas Stations Explained: Part 1

The First Crypto Gas Station is Now on Kadena’s Blockchain
Here at Kadena, we’re focused on making blockchain as useful and usable as possible. From our user-friendly and powerful smart contract language Pact, to our wallet and developer environment Chainweaver, we’re creating products that make the safety and global reach of blockchain accessible to everyone. Today, we’re announcing that we’ve implemented the world’s first autonomous crypto gas station on a public blockchain.
One of the biggest barriers to the broad use of decentralized applications (dApps) is the requirement that participants must first onboard to a cryptocurrency to pay gas for transaction costs. Before a user can interact with a dApp, they first have to create a wallet, go to an exchange, and buy the relevant cryptocurrency used as a unit of gas. These steps create a huge hurdle to onboarding, one of the most critical steps to adoption. If creating an account for an app is hard, nobody is going to use it.

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