Job Readiness Session – Emerging Future Technologies – AI, Blockchain & Crypto

Introduction to Emerging Technologies
– Overview of AI, Blockchain, and Crypto what they are and explain their significance in today’s world and their potential for the future.

Hands-on Demos
– Showcase practical examples of how these technologies work. For AI, demonstrate a simple machine learning model. For Blockchain, show how a basic transaction works. For Crypto, explain how to buy and use cryptocurrencies.

Career Paths and Opportunities:
– Discuss various career paths within these fields. Highlight job roles, from data scientists and blockchain developers to crypto analysts and AI researchers. Explain the skills and qualifications needed for each.

Educational Pathway
– Provide information on educational programs, certifications, and degrees related to AI, Blockchain, and Crypto. Mention online courses, universities, and technical boot camps.

Industry Trends
– Talk about the current trends and growth in these sectors. Discuss how AI is being applied in healthcare, how Blockchain is revolutionizing supply chains, and how Crypto is changing finance.


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Case Studies and Success Stories
– Share case studies of companies or individuals who have successfully implemented these technologies. Highlight their achievements and the impact they’ve had.

Resources and Further Reading
– Provide a list of books, websites, and online communities where participants can continue to learn and stay updated about these technologies.

Q&A Session: Allocate time for participants to ask questions and seek clarification on specific topics of interest