Fetch.ai *Live AMA* (02 July 2021) | Blockchain AI | Fetch.ai

Humayun Sheikh (CEO & Founder) and Jonathan Ward (CTO) take part in a live AMA to give you an update on the progress of projects and upcoming releases for 2021.

00:13 – Introduction
00:34 – Update on Fetch
00:44 – DeFi Agents Launch
01:16 – CoLearn Art Project
02:07 – Network Upgrade
02:36 – Official Fet wallet
03:26 – CoLearn program


03:39 – Q1 – @jonathan, you recently tweeted we will see a big increase of apps on fetch, how’s this looking? Can you share an outline of types of app that are landing soon?

05:41 – Q2 – I love staking and earning rewards but do you guys consider the complication with locking capital to secure the network. Do you think it will be a long term problem for Fetch?

07:36 – Q3 – Its been very quiet and no further information about the Hospitality app. Any updates?

09:38 – Q4 – What is the progress on Fetch Oracles?

12:33 – Q5 – Product development is expensive and AI Engineers are expensive. Do you have enough funds to run the ship for a long time?

13:37 – Q6 – With Fetch’s fantastic plethora of use-cases and partnerships, why do we have such an abysmal market cap?

16:32 – Q7 – Gaia-X is receiving funding from Europe. Is Fetch involved in any funding projects from the European Commission?

17:06 – Q8 – How can we as investors, the community help you the most?

17:48 – Q9 – Are you exploring any applications for agents of Co-Learning in architectural design?

19:38 – Q10 – Can the team explain the relationship with IOTA and Fetch.ai?

21:35 – Q11 – Any news on partnerships, Airbus collaboration?

22:10 – Q12 – What is Stargate in layman’s terms?

24:12 – Q13 – In terms of Catena-X and Gaia X, how can you explain in detail your role in Catena-X project?

27:06 – Q14 – What is going on is Smart cites and Fetch.ai’s entry into the US market for car companies?


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28:58 – Q15 – Traditional business in the field of logistics require legal contracts, paper work, proof-of-delivery, and other documents. Can the fetch network be used to: a) digitize that data as part of the metadata of a transaction b) used to autonomously let vehicles in the freight sector source their own freight?

30:07 – Q16 – Why does Fetch.ai community receive only 1% of Atomix supply? It’s really low,
we deserve more like it was for MTLX (5%)?

31:15 – Conclusion

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Fetch.ai is a world-changing project, a “decentralized digital world” where autonomous software agents act on the behalf of their owners, or themselves, to get useful economic work done.

We are a dynamic, fast-growing international team of experts and forward-thinking technology enthusiasts working on the convergence of blockchain, AI and multi-agent systems. We are building technology for both today and tomorrow – a collective super-intelligence on top of decentralized economic internet built with a highly scalable next-generation distributed ledger technology. Combined with machine learning, this delivers the predictions and infrastructure to power the future economy.

Developing fascinating and promising new technology, we have a team of top class software engineers and researchers working across multiple fields (multi agent systems, machine learning, economics, cryptography).

To further improve our solutions and deploy them in real life scenarios, we also collaborate with top academics and corporate partners across the world .

We believe our technology will improve how we communicate, it will give voice and new opportunities to people, organizations and the Internet of Things, effectively democratizing the space and improving lives of citizens.