Elon Musk Tweets About CRYPTO, Blockchain Takes a Hit! SOS Stock

Hello everyone Thank you again to everyone who has subscribed! Almost at 1000!! Anyways over the weekend Elon Musk Tweeted about blockchain specifically saying he is less of a fan now of Bitcoin because a large portion of bitcoin is held by crypto mining companies – AKA Blockchain companies, MARA stock RIOT stock SOS Stock are all examples of Blockchain companies. I do think Bitcoin & other cryptos will be able to thrive without the help of Musk. SOS uses clean resource as power for their mining operations of Bitcoin & Ethereum. SOS Signed a definitive agreement with a local Hydropower station to supply them with power in their Mining Operations. This company especially is a big standout for me in regards to what Elon was actually speaking of. His mention on Coal and its impact on the environment is completely derailed by that fact.

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