Distributed Ledgers in Yap Island | Blockchain: Understanding Its Uses & Implications | edX Series

What Is Blockchain?
Blockchain is a peer-to-peer ledger system that allows peers to transact directly with each other eliminating the need for a central authority.
At its core, blockchain is a system for recording information about a transaction in a new decentralized way that makes it difficult or impossible to alter. These transactions are stored on sheets or blocks in a digital ledger that is shared among the participants of the network. Consensus on the transactions brings the peer-to-peer network into an agreement. Once agreed upon, these transactions are grouped in blocks, and blocks of transactions are recorded in the immutable ledger. Because of this agreement, trust becomes a fundamental component built into the system. Business models are changing from a centralized format, where one person or a group of people control the Ledger or the “truth”, to a decentralized approach where the group agrees on the truth.

Introduction to Blockchain
Introduction to Blockchain and The Early Internet,
Blockchain Basics,
Blockchain Roles,
Blockchain Use Cases,
Blockchain Mechanics
Understanding Ledgers,
Transparency and Immutability,
Blockchain Functions
Smart Contracts,
Blockchain Security,
Types of Blockchains,
The Blockchain Transaction,
Blockchains and Governance
Open-Source Code,
Identity and Anonymity on Blockchain,
Blockchain Problem Solving and Future Trends
Problems Blockchain Solves,
Digital Currency,
Emerging Trends,
Career Opportunities,
Blockchain Use Cases
Blockchain in Practice,
Enterprise Solutions,
Public Sector Solutions,
Social Impact Solutions,
Emerging New Technologies and Business Models,
End User Experiences,
Future of Blockchain,


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