Creating Blockchain with Python #6 – Mining

Creating Blockchain with Python #6

today we will learn about the mining process in blockchain 😉

1. watch previous video
Creating Blockchain with Python #1 – Create a Chain with List

Creating Blockchain with Python #2 – Adding New Transaction

Creating Blockchain with Python #3 – Genesis Block

Creating Blockchain with Python #4 – Hash Function

Creating Blockchain with Python #5 – Validating Proof

2. download the code here

how Proof Of Work Protocol works:
* the miners solve cryptographic puzzles to “mine” a block in order to add to the blockchain
* this process requires immense amount of energy and computational usage. the puzzles have been designed in a way which makes it hard and taxing on the system (the puzzle in this case is to find a hash with “00” in the beginning)
* when a miner solves the puzzle, they present their block to the network for verification
* verifying whether the block belongs to the chain or not is an extremely simple process


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the mining process:
* extract the last block of the blockchain and put it in last_block
* hash the last block
* use the pow() function to extract the nonce
* create a reward_transaction which awards the miner, i.e., us with the reward amount which we have set earlier (10.0 coins)
* the reward_transaction gets appended to the open_transaction list
* finally, with the new approved nonce, we finally have a new block, which helps us get the metadata of the new block,
* the new block is added to the blockchain

3. now let’s see the code
4. run the code! 🙂
5. notice that there is a new transaction has been added and the miner has got his reward 🙂
6. let’s try again

ok now you have your own blockchain system 😉 you can modify it to be more complex and realistic 🙂

next tutorial will be about verifying chain, don’t miss it 🙂

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