Creating and Managing Blockchain Databases in the Public Sector | Turkey

Blockchain technology has been making waves in various industries, including the public sector. Its potential to revolutionize data management and enhance security has caught the attention of government agencies and organizations worldwide. In this presentation, Anndy Lian shares the process of creating and managing blockchain databases in the public sector and the key considerations for successful implementation.

Empowering the Public Sector with Blockchain
Before delving into the technical aspects of blockchain databases, it’s essential to emphasize the goal of empowering the people on the ground with the right knowledge. By equipping individuals with the ability to understand blockchain technology, they can communicate effectively and ask relevant questions when engaging with experts or vendors for blockchain solutions. This understanding ensures that the right decisions are made and the system is structured efficiently.

Choosing the Right Blockchain Platform
When implementing a blockchain database, the first crucial decision is to choose the right blockchain platform. There are various options available, but two of the simplest and widely used ones are private and public blockchains.

Private Blockchain
Private blockchains are suitable for organizations seeking enhanced security for their data, ensuring only authorized participants have access to the network. IBM is a prominent example of using private blockchains to establish secure and efficient collaboration among trusted participants. By implementing strong identity verification measures, private blockchains maintain a certain level of transparency while streamlining processes.

Public Blockchain
Public blockchains, like Ethereum, offer an open and decentralized approach. They allow anyone to access and participate in the network. While this openness can lead to concerns about data privacy, it can be advantageous in certain scenarios, especially for public organizations seeking a higher level of transparency.

Essential Steps to Create a Blockchain Database
Whether you opt for a private or public blockchain, the process of creating a blockchain database involves fundamental steps. Here’s a concise guide to get you started:

To successfully implement a blockchain solution in the public sector, follow these key steps. Firstly, carefully select the appropriate blockchain platform that aligns with your organization’s goals, deciding between the security of a private blockchain or the transparency of a public one. Next, choose a suitable programming language like Go, JavaScript, Python, Golang, C++, or Rust, with strong developer community support for seamless application development.


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Secondly, define the data structure for your blockchain database after choosing the programming language. Consider the specific information to include on the chain and establish the necessary procedures for data verification and validation. Thirdly, determine the most suitable consensus mechanism for your blockchain, be it Proof-of-Work (PoW), Proof-of-Stake (PoS), or other variations, considering the advantages and trade-offs each offers based on your needs.

Lastly, prioritize security in your blockchain implementation by implementing robust measures such as identity verification, access control, and encryption to safeguard sensitive data and ensure the system’s integrity. By following these steps, you can create and manage a blockchain database effectively within the public sector.

It is also important to engage with external experts who can offer valuable advice and insights. Collaborating with experienced blockchain consultants or seeking advice from other government organizations that have successfully implemented blockchain can be highly beneficial.

Implementing and managing blockchain databases in the public sector is a transformative endeavor with vast potential. The choice of the right blockchain platform, programming language, and consensus mechanism is crucial. While private blockchains offer enhanced security, public blockchains provide transparency and openness. The steps to create a blockchain database are not as complex as they may seem, and the benefits of proper implementation are substantial. By empowering the public sector with blockchain technology, governments can enhance data management, increase security, and improve efficiency for the betterment of society as a whole.

This video is part of a consultation session on “Technical Expert Service on Improvement of Public Sector Efficiency Using Blockchain-based Database”. The implementing organizations include the Ministry of Industry and Technology of Turkiye and the Asian Productivity Organization. The event was held in Ankara and Bolu, Turkiye, from 4–7 July 2023.