Create an RSK dApp | RootStock | Blockchain Developers United | 07-03-2021 | Part 7 of 8

RSK is a smart contract capable blockchain secured by the Bitcoin Network ( RSK is EVM compatible, which means that this tutorial will be very similar to our previous tutorials on how to deploy

At this meetup we will provide and overview of the RSK blockchain, how it is secured by Bitcoin, and what that means for your dApps. Next we will teach a hands on tutorial about how to create a dApp on RSK!

The workshop will be taught by Solange Gueiros from RSK.

Part 7 of 8.


The RSK platform is a language based protocol Solidity it works like a side chain running in parallel to the Bitcoin blockchain. This protocol is based on a bidirectional communication that operates as a bridge to connect both chains. In this way, it allows the Bitcoin network to assist RSK in its execution. That is why the native currency or token of the RSK platform is the RSK smart bitcoin (RBTC), which has a 1: 1 ratio with the original currency of the Bitcoin network, bitcoin (BTC).


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Thanks to the functionality of this platform, today it is possible to enjoy decentralized applications (DApps) and complex smart contracts within the Bitcoin network, in much the same way as they occur within Ethereum networks, EOS and others. But with all the security and robustness that the Bitcoin blockchain enjoys thanks to its great computing power.


Blockchain Developers United: We are not an organization in the conventional sense of the word. There are no fees or dues whatsoever. The only requirement for membership is an honest desire to improve as a software developer. As a community our greatest wish is to be helpful to other software developers.

BDU is a decentralized autonomous network of developer community groups, located anywhere in the world. Unbound by in-person constraints, we aim to bring blockchain developers of all skill levels together to train, share resources and build in developer teams.