Club Cardano: Arthur J. Golman is a London blockchain company that also makes Cardano stakepools

The Cardano network consists of a collection of ADA holding stakepools. Being a stakepool operator can be rewarding, both on a collective spiritual level as on a financial one. Arthur J. Goldman helps people who would like to run a stakepool but lack the tecical expertise.
No initial investment required, and a great service for the Cardano community


“Cardano Hubs” is the go-to YouTube channel of the “” website.
Here we offer an array of different resources for the Cardano Community.

At the heart of Cardano Hubs we find Club Cardano.
Here any business in the world that accepts ADA or is powered by Cardano tecnology can annonce themselves to the world.
The Cardano Hotel podcast invites interesting people from the Cardano ecosystem for an interview and hear their story.
Artists that are inspired by Cardano can showcast their work on a voluntary basis at the Cardano Artist Corner.
Look out for the Club Cardano, Cardano Hotel and Cardano Artist Corner playlists.

Please Subscribe to our channel and remember to give the videos your most generous “Thumbs Up”.


Steve Rich's Exciting New Book: A Journey into the World of Forex Trading!


Channel Link:

Cardano Hubs is an initiative of stakepools HOTEL and DUBAI”.
To support Cardano Hubs please delegate to both stakepools.

Twitter: @thecardanohotel