Blockchain: What Is It and Why Is It So Important 1-31-2022

Table of content:
00:00 Introduction
1:24 Web 1.0
2:20 Centralization is a Problem/Web 2.0
4:04 Problems birth a new Technology
5:50 Rev 2:9/3:9 people
7:31 Blockchain
12:17 How blockchain came to exist
14:00 Every document has a fingerprint
16:09 Fingerprints are cryptography hashes
20:20 Blockchain 0.0
22:00 How the blocks work
27:45 basic concept of blockchain
33:01 What happens if a lot of the blockchain is taken down?
36:17 What happens in a power out situation?
37:54 Final thoughts
SHA 256

How to Time-Stamp a Digital Document (White Paper)

Tactical Civics:

How to sign up to tactical civics:

Dave Cares for you (Dave Jose):

Josh Barnett for US Congress:

Family Bible … The Bible that records your marriage and family records.
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The Growing Awareness Store:


Flat earth maps for your home:

Flat Earth Map – Gleason’s New Standard Map Of The World – Large 24″ x 36″ 1892 Poster Includes FREE eBooks and Flat Earth Bumper Sticker:

double set of maps:
Flat Earth Maps SET OF 2 MAPS- Flat Earth Map – 24″ x 36″ Gleason’s New Standard Map Of The World | 24″ x 18″ Map of the Square and Stationary Earth by Orlando Ferguson (1):

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Steve Rich's Exciting New Book: A Journey into the World of Forex Trading!


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The Growing Awareness

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Terry Torro
RI Patriot

Carol Smith
Barbara Ervin
Nathaniel Daggett

Worriors of Truth:

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