blockchain metverse technology generations 1.0 to 4.0 explained | Rajeev Anand | decentraland mana

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blockchain metverse technology generations 1.0 to 4.0 explained | Rajeev Anand | decentraland mana

What Exactly is Blockchain?
Blockchain is a transaction record database that is distributed, validated and maintained around the world by a network of
computers. Instead of a single central authority such as a bank, a large community oversees the records in Blockchain, and
no individual person has control over these records.
Blockchain is based on decentralized technologies. This functions as a peer-to-peer (P2P) network.
Blockchain can be defined as “A peer-to-peer, decentralized, distributed ledger that records transactions efficiently, and in
a verifiable and robust fashion.”
Blockchain 1.0
● First generation of blockchain: Bitcoin
○ Build a distributed ledger of transactions based on DLT enabling participants to transfer assets P2P
○ Decentralized platform
○ Enabled transparency, immutability, accountability, and security using cryptographic principles
○ Worked on Proof of Work consensus system
Blockchain 1.0
● First generation of blockchain: Bitcoin
○ Build a distributed ledger of transactions based on DLT enabling participants to transfer assets P2P
○ Decentralized platform
○ Enabled transparency, immutability, accountability, and security using cryptographic principles
○ Worked on Proof of Work consensus systems
Blockchain 3.0
● Rise of layer two scaling solutions
● Layer 2 solutions are side chains running parallel to the ethereum main chain, providing:
○ Better transaction speed
○ Low transaction costs
● Examples:
○ Polygon (Matic)
Blockchain 4.0
● Fourth-generation blockchains provided various solutions:
○ Better scalability at lower costs
○ Highly secured blockchains
○ Better adaptability
○ Identity and access management solutions
○ Automation and integration of execution frameworks


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