Blockchain Ireland Week – Increasing transparency, trust and collaboration with blockchain

Increasing transparency, trust and collaboration with blockchain and multiparty systems.

Sanjay is the Global lead for Technology Sustainability Innovation at Accenture, the Golden Sponsors of Blockchain Ireland Week. He is responsible for establishing and managing Accenture’s ecosystem strategy for Sustainability, for developing Technology Capabilities offerings and capabilities, and for embedding sustainability best practices in technology delivery.


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Event Synopsis:
This is a moment of truth. All of us are experiencing new realities. How leaders and businesses combine technology and human ingenuity to address these realities will determine the future of everyone on this planet – and the future of the planet itself. By expanding the definition of value to include how well people thrive, the impact on the environment, and the safety of the commodities we manufacture, business ecosystems can realign incentives and rebuild trust. In this session, we’ll examine the new realities business leaders face today, the technology trends shaping the future – and the value-chains that are utilizing the combinatory aspects of blockchain and multiparty systems technologies to transform businesses into more sustainable, ethical and responsible ecosystems.