Blockchain for Health Records System Storage using Attribute-Based Signature

#Blockchain technology has increased popularity over the last years and found its use in various areas and addressed several important issues. As the requirement for an effective patient-centered solution to #healthcare applications, healthcare block chain #technology holds enormous potential and improves the quality value of electronic healthcare records (EHRs). With a patient-centered strategy, we have to face various issues and criteria in terms of privacy and also protection, the use of technology, regulating processes need to be taken into consideration in order to produce a good result. Throughout this paper, to ensure the integrity of #EHRs incorporated in block chain, we propose to multiple authorities an attribute-based #signature strategy where a patient approves a message as per the attribute thus revealing no details apart from the facts how he has attested to it. in addition, there are several authorities to produce and distribute public or private keys of the patient also confirms the mode of distributed data memory in the block chain.


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