Blockchain 101 Ep 69 – Blockchain Projects Cryptocurrencies

First type of blockchain projects is Cryptocurrencies which is one of the first to appear.

Examples of Cryptocurrencies are Bitcoin and Litecoin. There are also anonymous cryptocurrencies. The main functions include payment settlement and protecting the privacy of both sides.

Some well-known examples are Dash, Monero, and Zcash which utilize Zero-Proof Knowledge. Cryptocurrencies fulfill the role of being a medium of exchange in the realm of blockchain.

Medium of exchange is the exchange of goods of equivalent value, such as gold, silver and bank notes. Currently, there are over 1000 blockchain assets in the market and cryptocurrency types are experience slow growth.


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As of January 2018, Bitcoin has the largest market capitalization. Everyone is already familiar with Bitcoin, so Bitboy will introduce you to Litecoin, NEM, Dash, Monero, and Zcash.

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