Adel Elmessiry | President/CTO AlphaFin | AI/Blockchain Expert

Dr. Adel Elmessiry, Ph.D., is a tech entrepreneur, published expert on AI and Blockchain, mentor, advisor, and speaker with 20+ years in healthcare. He is the President/CTO and Co-Founder of AlphaFin, a Draper Goren Holm portfolio company that aims to build an ecosystem of innovative decentralized financial systems for better inclusion and access to the global economy. Adel has a proven executive experience with a solid track record, including 10+ years at HealthStream and 7 years at InVivoLink/HealthTrust. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science, and as CTO, he leads the product management and development teams to achieve the company’s strategic vision. For more information on Dr. Elmessiry, visit

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