A Dating-Safety App Built on Blockchain | In the Spotlight – Kirsty Barany

Kirsty Barany details how the BSV community helped influence and establish her online dating website Clear Sparrow.

Having worked in the healthcare sector, Barany has long identified the sharing of personal information as a problem that needs fixing. However, it was only after attending a BSV conference in Miami that she decided that the BSV blockchain was the right platform to help build out her business.

‘50 million people are dating online and about half of them feel it is an unsafe way to meet people. Still, they do it. So I started talking to people, and they were mostly women in this situation.


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‘And they shared with me how unsettling it is that you are going to have a face-to-face meeting with somebody that you have no information about, that you know nothing about. Essentially they’re ruining that first date in a way because they’re trying to psychoanalyse if that person is going to be safe to them.’