🎧 What Is Web3➡️ The Hidden Power of Blockchain: Creating a Freer and Fairer World🎙️ Mati Greenspan

💡 Blockchain and decentralized markets offer a more democratic and transparent way of running things, benefiting everyone and creating a freer and fairer world.
🌍 Everyone has unique skills and ways of thinking that contribute to the success of a project or initiative.
📉 It’s a good time to build long-term and sustainable projects during a bear market when the excess has been shaken out of the market.
💪 Lunar Crush is one of the most successful companies that the speaker has advised, and their success has been observed from day one.
🌙 Nakamoto one is a new project that involves sending Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other coins to the moon as a treasure hunt, allowing anyone to send NFTs directly to the moon and whoever finds the keys becomes the owner.
💰 Many token projects, such as Revolt and Supremacy game, focused on the potential value of their tokens without considering the profitability of their own companies.
💎 The speaker emphasizes their commitment to the projects they are involved in, demonstrating a long-term growth mindset.
🌐 Blockchain technology has the potential to open up a world of wealth for everyone, bridging the wealth gap between the rich and the poor.
#whatisweb3 #matigreenspan


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