⚡ WORLD'S LIGHTEST BLOCKCHAIN – Sleeping Giant Altcoin

Mina Protocol is the world’s lightest blockchain.

Built for privacy, security, and decentralization while placing an emphasis on being environmentally friendly, this crypto project has some unbelievable technology.

Today, we interview James Strudwick, Head Of Business Development for Mina Foundation to break down their underlying technology, potential real world uses cases, and reveal some hidden secrets along the way.

0:00 Intro
1:15 What Is Mina Protocol?
3:10 Zk-Snarks Technology
6:40 Real World Examples
11:00 Shift To Decentralization
13:45 Mina’s Proof-of-Stake
15:50 One Private Internet Login
19:00 Universal Login Uses
20:40 Community and Adoption
22:55 Milestones Ahead
24:15 Conclusion


Steve Rich's Exciting New Book: A Journey into the World of Forex Trading!


Mina Protocol: https://minaprotocol.com/
Mina Twitter: https://twitter.com/MinaProtocol

Beanstock Discord 💬: https://discord.gg/zWBaY6vs3s
Jolly Green Investor 🍀: https://jollygreeninvestor.com
The Nifty Investor 🤖: https://beacons.ai/theniftyinvestor
KyberSwap: https://kyberswap.com/swap/ethereum?referral=0x3D195B85943Cc961B6e7c32321544dD921edD2f5&fee_percent=10&networkId=1&utm_source=kol&utm_medium=social&utm_content=beanstock

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